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Welcome to MSU's IEEE Student Branch!  We are located in Region 3 of IEEE.  We sponsor many activities for the students in STEM fields as well as K-12.  We love competing in the SoutheastCon Hardware competition, and our student branch was established due to that competition.


IEEE (pronounced eye-triple-E) stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and is an international professional organization for electrical engineers.  At Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky, our branch consists of any and all STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) majors.  We boast more than 20 active members yearly since our founding in 2011.


Murray State's branch holds general meetings monthly and technical speakers from industry such as Dynetics and GE once a semester.  We also co-host trips with classes to industry facilities such as TVA and GE Aviation.

IEEE also enjoys hosting Engineers' Day (E-Day) every February on campus.  It is a day for K-12 students to learn about engineering using fun, creative games. This year's E-Day is a colaboration between multiple departments and organizations in the STEM fields and promises to be the largest one to date!  IEEE also competes at a regional IEEE hardware competition yearly.


So, do we sound like a group you want to join? We are looking for focused, driven Murray State students that are up for fun and crazy projects. For more information about IEEE internationally, check out the IEEE website by clicking the IEEE image at the top of the page or by clicking here. Now that you know how awesome IEEE is, join our IEEE student branch by clicking here. It's the best $32 you will ever spend!


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